All About April
My Current Career

I work in a building full of  books! Surrounded by them! I work at the Buchanan district Library in Buchanan Michigan!

Every wednesday up until February 25th at 3:30 p.m. Join the teen writers workshop in the teen cafe at the Buchanan Library!

I have read all five Harry Potter books twice.. A RECOMMENDED READ!!!!
The Third movie is coming out in June!
Gary Oldman is Sirius Black,
and Emma Thompson is Professor Trelawney!
 DId you know that Warwick Davis, the guy who played Willow in Willow is Professor Flitwick!

Remember the movie with Mad Martigan? Willow? Its on Book! Check it out! A Definite must read! It goes into detail how Sorsha came into the world, how Mad martigan left where he was from, and why Fin Razel was cursed on that island. READ IT!


Currently adult t-shirts are 9.99, snow globes are twenty dollars off, our white pooh plush is buy one get one free, and Christmas ornaments are buy two get one free! Come see us today!

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